
Insulating tanks, pipes and radiators - Energy Saving Trust

Insulating your water tank, pipes and radiators is a quick and easy way to save money on your bills.

Lagging water tanks and pipes and insulating behind radiators reduces the amount of heat lost, so you spend less money heating water up, and hot water stays hotter for longer. Machining Aluminum Parts

Insulating tanks, pipes and radiators - Energy Saving Trust

A hot water cylinder jacket costs about £16, and fitting it is a straightforward job if you follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Pipe insulation consists of a foam tube that covers the exposed pipes between your hot water cylinder and boiler, reducing the amount of heat lost and, therefore, keeping your water hotter for longer.

It’s usually as simple as choosing the correct size from a DIY store and then slipping it around the pipes.

If you’re trying to save money on your heating bills and reduce your energy consumption, radiator reflector panels are an attractive low-cost option.

Fixed behind your radiators, they reflect heat from the radiator back into the room, instead of letting the heat out through an external wall. They can produce the most benefit when installed on uninsulated solid walls.

Remember, you only need to put reflector panels behind radiators on external walls.

Insulating your hot water cylinder is one of the easiest ways to save energy and, therefore, money.

If you already have a jacket fitted around your tank, check the thickness. It should be at least 80mm thick; if it isn’t, consider buying a new one.

Topping up your hot water tank insulation from 25mm to 80mm thick, using a British Standard jacket, could save you around £70 (£65 in NI) a year, which is more than the cost of the jacket.

By slipping pipe insulation around your exposed hot water pipes you’ll keep your hot water hotter for longer.

Fitting insulation to pipes is easy if the pipes are accessible; if your pipes are hard to reach, you may need to engage a professional.

Blocking the unwanted gaps in your home can save you money on your energy bills.

Insulating your ground floor is a great way to keep your property warm, as well as lower your energy bills and emissions.

Insulating your roof, attic or loft is an easy way to save money on your bills, keeping the heat in and the…

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