
Common Issues That Occur in the Drywalling Business – The Dixon Pilot

Drywalling construction is extremely popular for a few different reasons. Installation is quick and cost-effective, and it’s easy to repair. Even with these benefits, the job isn’t completely perfect. Like all construction jobs, some problems will happen, and you’ll need to deal with them. Check out these common issues that occur in the drywalling business.

Nail and screw pops will happen when you drive screws and nails too far into the wall. Getting it perfect every single time isn’t always a guarantee. However, sometimes it has nothing to do with the installer. Glass Wool Manufacturers

Common Issues That Occur in the Drywalling Business – The Dixon Pilot

Expansion and contraction of the stud can happen due to temperature changes. When the pops happen, take the screw completely out. It’s important to install it at another nearby point instead of the previous location.

Corner bead cracks are a major pain, but they may happen over time. The drywall could experience water or moisture damage, causing the bead to start cracking. Luckily, it’s pretty easy to learn to repair damaged drywall corners.

Start by scraping away the drywall covering the corner bead. Once you expose this area, use a hammer to flatten the corner bead. Some situations will require a re-screw. After fixing the damage, use the joint compound and tape the surface.

Water damage is extremely common. Most homes will go through this no matter how secure the original installation was. Moisture is in the air, and it will cause the drywall to deteriorate over time. However, if you have flooding, fix the damage immediately.

This isn’t a problem that should fester over time because it can lead to mold and mildew. The best way to handle this water damage is by removing the affected area completely and installing new drywall.

Drywall is extremely delicate. While it’s sturdy, you still need to treat it with care. Sanding is a necessary component of the installation process. But sanding with too much force can damage the drywall surface, especially at the seams.

On the other hand, sanding too little prevents the surface from becoming smooth enough for painting. It’s a very delicate balance. Before you grab your sander, make sure there’s adequate lighting. You need to see how well the surface looks for the next phase of the construction project.

Common Issues That Occur in the Drywalling Business – The Dixon Pilot

Drop Ceiling Tiles 2x2 Look out for these common issues in the drywalling business so that your projects go over smoothly.