
VB man with Down Syndrome builds birdhouses to give back to the community

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — There is beauty being built inside the Todd family’s garage, both in the tiny birdhouses made there and the father-son duo doing the work.

“The key idea was to give back to the same groups that have helped (us) along the way," Kevin Todd tells News 3 anchor Blaine Stewart.  Design 3d Puzzle

VB man with Down Syndrome builds birdhouses to give back to the community

Kevin and his son Stephen started Bluebird Beach Bungalows about five years ago. Every wooden birdhouse is made by someone living with a disability. Each is unique. With every scrap of old wood, the Todd family is building a community.

"Stephen has had a lot of his friends come over and join in, and guest artists decorating and helping autographing," Todd adds.

Stephen Todd was born with Down Syndrome. It's not easy for him to find a job. But in doing this work, he has found a purpose that goes beyond a paycheck. He’s also seen a response that has been, at times, overwhelming.

"It could be neighbors. It could be friends. It could be total strangers. We had a couple drive here from the Midwest because they saw the Facebook page and wanted a birdhouse,” Todd explains.

The birdhouses sell for $15 each. That money goes right back into fulfilling a mission to do good things. The proceeds benefit a different charity each month. Many are organizations the Todd family has directly benefited from. The family also relies on contributions to help keep the mission afloat, whether it be wood to build the houses or other supplies on this wish list.

The Todds have built close to 5,000 birdhouses so far, raising more than $100,000. But more importantly, they’ve learned an important lesson, that there is ability in all of us.

“I've been guilty of (saying) 'Stephen, I'm not sure if you can do that,' and I limited him in a way," Kevin Todd reflects.

Yes, there is beauty in letting go of limitations. Even in the smallest of ways.

VB man with Down Syndrome builds birdhouses to give back to the community

Wooden Animal Puzzle “Maybe one of the simple abilities is do good things, whatever that is," Kevin Todd said. "Just do good things."